Hail, Heaven’s King!

by Pastor Edwin Lehmann on November 21, 2020 in ,

Last Sunday of End Time – Christ the King                                      November 22, 2020

Text: Matthew 27:27-31                            CW Series A                    20:2225
Theme: Hail, Heaven’s King!

If you were not a Christian, what would you think of Jesus?….born in a tiny village, the child of a common Jewish girl….grew up in Nazareth, a small town in the backwoods Galilean countryside…. worked in a carpenter’s shop with a man people thought was His father.
At the age of 30, He travelled about like an itinerant preacher…. never owned a home, never wrote a book….never travelled more than 150 miles from home….never did anything to which people aspire.
His countrymen rejected Him….the Jewish authorities condemned Him…His closest friends deserted Him….one betrayed Him, another disowned Him, the rest ran away
He endured proceedings in a court where a guilty verdict had been predetermined. Those who executed Him gambled for His clothing. And when He died, they placed His body in another man’s tomb. If you were not a Christian, what would you make of this? Could you call Him great on the basis of these things? Would you hail Him as king?

I. He endured the ignorance of many…
I doubt it. When the soldiers hailed Him as king in our text, they didn’t really mean it. They said in scorn as they mocked Him. Why did they do it? Did they do all of it just for fun, to have some kicks at the expense of a condemned man? Was it something soldiers regularly did with prisoners when they carried out Roman judgments? Perhaps Pontius Pilate ordered such treatment? Or was there more to it, more than the soldiers could begin to realize?
In Old Testament times God commanded that the little Passover lamb should be slaughtered in such a way that the blood flowed freely from it. The word for slaughter is used of something beaten and flayed, stretched out and extended so that the blood pours out. Then the blood of the Passover lamb was liberally splashed over the doors of the houses in Egypt to mark the inhabitants as belonging to God’s people.
Since the Bible declares Christ Jesus to be the true Passover lamb sacrificed for us (1 Co.5:7), Jesus did not want to be killed in a simple way. Rather, He was to suffer a brutal death. From His body the blood flowed abundantly. It dripped on the ground in Gethsemane; it stained the cross on Calvary; but here, in the headquarters of the Roman soldiers, it poured out the most as they intended to cruelly treat Him.
Since Pilate could not find a way to get this innocent Jesus released, what should he do? He knew that the charges against Him were false. Perhaps if Jesus’ body were disfigured, the Jews would ask for Jesus to be set free out of pity for Him, even if they didn’t consider Him to be their king. If that was Pilate’s thinking, how horribly and unmercifully the soldiers may have whipped Jesus, His entire body lashed and torn.
It was here, even more than on Calvary, that the holy, innocent blood of God’s Son flowed freely to wash away our sin. It was here that he was despised, crushed, and led like a lamb to the slaughter so that He might suffer sufficiently for our sake. The soldiers knew what they were doing, yet were completely ignorant of that which was really taking place in heaven. Their words exposed their ignorance.
They saw Him as a foolish Jew, rebelling against Rome, calling Himself a king. But look at Him. Kings have armies backing them; where is His? Kings dress in royal robes; where are His? Kings carry symbols of power and authority; where are His? Didn’t He just a few days earlier ride into the city on a lowly donkey? Not very king-like! He needs a king’s welcome. The soldiers determined to give it to Him.
A crown…Jesus needs a crown! The spiny thorns along the city wall would help with that as the soldiers wove them into a wreath, then pressed it deeply into His head. The blood flowed. A robe…Jesus needs a kingly robe of royal color! A soldier’s old scarlet cloak, faded into a purplish hue, would do. They threw it over His shoulders and pressed it into His fresh wounds. A scepter…Jesus needs a sign of authority in His hand! A stick would do. All the trappings of a king were now in place. They could rightly approach Him.
The soldiers formed a receiving line, perhaps up to 600 men (a cohort), each taking his turn to greet Jesus. Falling before him in mockery they cried: “Hail, Oh King of the Jews!” and beat him with the stick. Who could be the most inventive, the most hilarious, the most vulgar with his words? Such humiliation the King of heaven received!
Here is where we see the words of the prophet Isaiah fulfilled (50:5ff): “I have not drawn back. I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.”
Perhaps the soldiers would never have done what they did if they had any inkling as to the full identity of Him whom they mocked. He was no criminal, no dreamer, no ordinary citizen but so much higher in rank and authority than they could have imagined. With one word He could have annihilated them. Jesus endured such ignorance. Had they understood, their mindless words and cruel activity would never have occurred. But, for our sakes, it had to happen this way for so God had promised and prophesied our deliverance from sin and death.
The apostle Paul later wrote (1Co.2:8), “None of the rulers of this age understood it.” But the most amazing part was the fact that this One who endured such ignorance and abuse forgave it all saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” They do not know! Jesus endures the ignorance of many and then forgives. That’s a different kind of king.

II. …So that we might have a Savior.
But it had to happen this way so that we might have a Savior. Were the soldiers actually the ones behind it? No. Isaiah explains: “We considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed” (53:4f).
One of the early church fathers put it this way: “He was whipped for you, so that He could free you from the whipping of eternal wrath. He was crowned with thorns for you, so that He could crown you in heaven. He was wounded for you, so that He could heal you” (St. Bernhard, p.191, Gerhard).
Since Jesus told Pilate, “You would have no authority over me if it had not been given to you from above” (Jn.19:11), we must view this in no other way than that God in heaven had the whip in His hand and so pitiably scourged His own royal Son in our place.
If our hearts were not so often as ignorant of what we say and do as the soldiers were, we would understand and contemplate the trouble we made for the Lord of heaven with our sins. We would see and often repent of the way each of us helped to braid the whip and press the thorns on His head. But we often fail to show any understanding either.
For that reason Christ, in His merciful love, allowed the blood to flow so freely, to wash us clean of our sin. Had He not endured it, we would have no Savior and He could not have assembled a people to Himself who love Him as their King. Only He could do it, endure it, and accomplish it in a way that counts for us all. Out of heavenly love He endured the ignorance of many so that we might have a Savior. To which those who believe respond: Hail, Our Heavenly King!
This is what saving faith is about. Think about how it all took place as you look back over the present church year drawing to a close today.
We started at Christmas with the birth of God’s Son. We watched Him in the Epiphany Season show us through His preaching, teaching, and healing who He was. We saw Him in Lent suffer and die to pay for our sin. Then came the glorious Easter morning when He arose to give us the certainty of life with Him forever. Then He went back to heaven in His Ascension so that He could rule over all things for the welfare of His people and prepare a place for us. To help us before He returns, He sent the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us in our lives of faith. During the Pentecost Season, He taught us how to live our lives of faith to His glory and our good. Finally, during these last weeks of the End Time, He’s assured us of His return and how glorious it will be. He did it all for us. Why? Because we were helpless, like sheep, to do it on our own.
See what love Heaven’s King has for you! What an important way to end the present church year and to approach the new one next Sunday. God grant us comfort, strength, and every reason throughout the year to praise Him in our lives of faith; for His name’s sake. Amen.

Zion Lutheran Church of Springfield

(A member congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod)

4717 S Farm Rd 135 (Golden Avenue)

Church phone: 417.887.0886                                      Pastor’s cell phone: 417.693.3244

www.zionluthchurch.com                                           email: revelehmann@gmail.com

The Fourth Sunday of End Time:   Christ the King        November 22, 2020      

 “Hail, King of the Jews!” Matthew 27:29

 F o r   O u r     V i s i t o r s

The family of Zion welcomes you as we worship the Lord today. We encourage children to worship with us. However, if you need to leave with your child, there is a nursery room to the right as you exit the sanctuary. The rest rooms are located in the hallway between the sanctuary and the fellowship hall. Visitors, please sign our guest book to the right, just outside the sanctuary. We’re glad that you are here and pray that through our worship the Lord grants you peace.

U p o n   E n t e r i n g   G o d’ s   H o u s e

“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth! God ascended amid shouts of joy. He is the King of all the earth” (Psalm 47).

 W h a t   T h i s   S u n d a y   i s     A b o u t

 Christ, Our Heavenly King. In one grand climactic day, the church year ends by glorifying the Lord Jesus who is King of kings and Lord of lords.

But He is a different kind of king from earthly kings. As Lord and King of all, He has absolutely everything in His possession. In the words of the Bible, “He is rich.” Yet, “for our sakes this king became poor.” “He humbled Himself and became obedient to death on a cross.” It was the only way that salvation could be won. As a result “God exalted Him to the highest place that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord, to the glory of God.”

What better way to end the old church year and begin the new than by honoring Him as heaven’s King who shepherds our souls till He returns!

So we pray: Lord Jesus Christ, by Your victory You have broken the power of the evil one. Fill our hearts with joy and peace as we look with hope to that day when every creature in heaven and earth acclaims You King of kings and Lord of lords; to Your unending praise and glory. Amen.

 – T h e   W o r d   o f   G o d   f o r   T o d a y –

 The Old Testament: Ezekiel 34:11-16,23,24

Israel’s kings were to shepherd God’s people in a way that would draw them closer to Him. Instead, they led them astray. The Lord would step in. He foretold the coming of another “David” – the Messiah, David’s greater Son, a perfect Shepherd-King, who would rescue and rule over them with tenderness and justice.

The Epistle Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

Christ’s resurrection is the guarantee that all will rise from the grave on the last day. Then Christ will hand His Kingdom of Grace over to the Father since then the last foe, death, will have been fully defeated. Those who are His in faith will live with Him in the Kingdom of Glory that is above.

 The Gospel Lesson: Matthew 27:27-31

God sometimes uses the mouths of unbelievers to proclaim eternal truths.   Those who crucified Jesus in mockery called Him a king, which He was – heaven’s King. In joy, hope, and faith we, too, hail Him as heaven’s King, the Savior, to His glory and our eternal good

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Today’s Organist: Jane Rips

Today’s Preacher: Pastor Edwin Lehmann

Points to Ponder: “Whoever does not want to be under Christ with grace must be under Him with disgrace.   Whoever does not want to rule with Him must, like His enemies, be His footstool….In a word, Christ is Lord, just as God Himself is Lord, for He has given Christ the lordship over all. His power is certain and surely remains.   Woe to him who does not accept it with grace, for he will then find it with wrath forever.”

— Martin Luther on Christ Is King over All

 “The 47th Psalm is a prophecy of Christ.   He shall rise up and become king over all the world, without a battle, simply through shouts, songs, and trumpet calls, that is, through the joyful preaching of the Gospel, just as the walls of Jericho fell by trumpet blasts and shouts, without any weapons at all.”               — Martin Luther on An Introduction to Psalms 47

Outline of Our Worship

 Lord, Hear Us

Opening Thoughts on the Service

Today’s Order of Worship:

Morning Praise: Hymnal pg.45

Opening Hymn: #216

Lord, Feed Us

Psalm of the Day: #47     Hymnal pg.85

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 23-24

1 Corinthians 15:20-28

Hymn Response: #143

Matthew 27:27-31

Sermon Hymn: #214

Sermon Text: Matthew 27:27-31     Hail, Heaven’s King!

 Lord, Accept Our Response

“We Praise You, O God”     Hymnal pg.48

“Lord, Have Mercy”

Prayers, Lord’s Prayer  & Prayer for Grace

Hymnal pg. 50

Lord, Bless Us

The Benediction     Hymnal pg. 51

Closing: Lord, When Your Glory I Shall See

Silent Prayer

Last Sunday of End Time: Christ the King – Series A

 Old Testament: Ezekiel 34:11-16,23,24 The Shepherd and God’s Flock

11For this is what the Lord God says. Here I am. I myself will seek the welfare of my flock and carefully search for them. 12As a shepherd searches for his flock when his sheep that were with him have been scattered, so I will search for my flock and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. 13I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own soil. I will shepherd them on the mountains of Israel, in the valleys, and in all the settlements of the land. 14I will lead them into good pasture, and their grazing land will be on the high mountains of Israel. There they will lie down in good grazing land, and they will pasture on rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. 15I myself will shepherd my flock. I myself will let them lie down, declares the Lord God. 16I will seek the lost. I will bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured. I will strengthen the weak. I will destroy the fat and the strong, and I will shepherd them with justice.

23Then I will raise up over them one shepherd, and he will tend them. My servant David will tend them, and he will be their shepherd. 24I, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David will be the prince among them. I, the Lord, have spoken.

 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 – Christ’s Resurrection Guarantees Ours

20But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21For since death came by a man, the resurrection of the dead also is going to come by a man. 22For as in Adam they all die, so also in Christ they all will be made alive. 23But each in his own order: Christ as the firstfruits and then Christ’s people, at his coming. 24Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father, after he has done away with every other ruler and every other authority and power. 25For he must reign “until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” 26Death is the last enemy to be done away with. 27Certainly, “he has put all things in subjection under his feet.” Now when it says that all things have been put in subjection, obviously that does not include the one who subjected all things to him. 28But when all things have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to the one who subjected all things to him, in order that God may be all in all.

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 27:27-31The Soldiers Mock Jesus

27Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole cohort of soldiers around him. 28They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him. 29They twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand, knelt in front of him, and mocked him by saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 30They spit on him, took the staff, and hit him repeatedly on his head.

31After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.  Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®) copyright © 2019 The Wartburg Project.

        C a l e n d a r     &     A n n o u n c e m e n t s     f o r     Z i o n     L u t h e r a n     C h u r c h



Nov. 22


Nov. 23


Nov. 24


Nov. 25


Nov. 26


Nov. 27


Nov. 28

Next Sun.

Nov. 29

9:00 am

Divine Worship Service

on line – Facebook

10:15 am

Thanksgiving Potluck

Christ the King















7 pm

Thanksgiving Eve Worship at Peace


10 am

Thanksgiving Day Worship



No Midweek Bible Class or Confirmation Class














9:00 am

Divine Worship Service

on line – Facebook



10:15 am

Fellowship & Brief Bible Study

 Advent 1


A Brief Bible Study on God’s Word for Today

The almighty King of the universe in His great love laid down His life for His people. The Lord of all things allowed Himself to be mocked, beaten and crucified for His subjects. Then with His resurrection from the dead, He demonstrated His true power and glory as the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The Epistle Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 (answers are found on the back side)

  1. Explain the comparison between Adam and Christ in these verses.
  2. Evaluate. Verse 28 is telling us that Jesus is somehow inferior to God the Father.

Those We Remember In Our Prayers: Dea Windsor; Clyde & Sharon Johnson; Dave Ballou; Greg Miller; Casey Milam & family; Felicia Nichols’ family; Bill Buchanan; Norine Richardson; Barbara Long; Jodi Milam; Jodi’s sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and other family hospitalized and at home with COVID 19; Judy Bertoldie, member at Peace, Marshfield following a fall and diagnosed with COVID 19; Lois Wiese, undergoing pace maker surgery Tuesday.

 Forward in Christ’s latest issue for November has arrived. There are copies for family and friends on the credenza in the narthex. Also, the next edition of Meditations daily devotions beginning the end of November will be found there.

Events Following the worship service today we will hold our annual Thanksgiving Potluck Brunch. All are invited to join us. We ask you to practice as safely as you can health measures like physical distancing.

Thanksgiving Day service will be held at 10 am this coming Thursday, November 26.

 Daily Devotions were written this week. You will find copies on the credenza in the narthex.

 Health Ordinance With Springfield and the Greene County Health Dept. extending the mask requirements until January, we will continue wearing masks in the worship service. You will find masks, disposable gloves, and sanitizer in the narthex and the fellowship hall for your use. Please, continue to watch your physical distancing, side to side and front to back. We are not passing the offering plate during the service at this time, but it will be found at the door upon leaving the sanctuary.

The Week in Review

Last Sunday’s Worship Attendance: 23; Communed: 18; Adult Bible Class & Sunday School: 12; Midweek Bible Class: 5; Offering: $1,365.

                                                                      Next Sunday’s Lessons:                                             

1st Sunday in Advent (Series B): Isaiah 63:16,-17; 64:1-8; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:32-37

 Answers to Today’s Epistle Lesson Brief Study:

  1. Through Adam and Eve’s sin, all mankind fell and became subject to death. We are born dead spiritually. We will all face physical death someday. Because of our sins we all deserve eternal death in hell. But in Jesus we have been made alive. With His suffering and death, the payment of sin was made. His resurrection is proof that we too will be raised and will live forever with Him in heaven.
  2. Verse 28 is a difficult verse. The Bible states clearly in many places that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equal in power, glory and authority (John 10:30). No one is superior to the other. Jesus however humbled Himself to come to earth and obey the will of His Father (John 14:28). How can this be? As Professor Carleton Toppe once wrote: “Such is the mystery and wonder of the Trinity and of the God-man Jesus Christ” (The People’s Bible: 1 Corinthians, p.148).

   This week I am praying for……


Pastor Edwin Lehmann

Preacher: Pastor Edwin Lehmann