Community Door Hangers
Our members will be walking the neighborhood of our church, placing door hangers on entrance doors. These hangers invite women to our upcoming weekday women’s Bible study. Say hi if you see us in your area!
Women’s Bible Study
We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a weekday, women only Bible study starting on Thursday, October 30th 2024 at 11:00 AM and running for four weeks. The topic of study will be one of the most famous women in the Bible: Ruth. Please join us!
If you would like more details, please email . On-site baby sitting services will be offered during the class for at-home mothers but please RSVP to 417-693-3244 to make certain we have enough staff.
New Outside Pantry Box
We have just installed a new, self service pantry box on the north driveway entrance to our church. Please take what you need and leave what you can. This is a free service to our community members that are in need.