Our Beliefs

This church exists to proclaim the Gospel, making disciples for Christ and strengthening believers for a life of service to God.

To God alone be the glory.

Our History

History of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

The congregation we know as Zion Lutheran began one Sunday evening in a motel cafe with Pastor Wilbur Niermeier, from Harrisonville, MO. He met a with a group of 12 people who wanted to hold worship services in Springfield that were connected to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

The first service was held June 7, 1981 at the Rivermont Cemetery Chapel in south Springfield. In 1982 the WELS Home Mission Board assigned seminary graduate, Paul Thierfelder, to the young mission congregation. The effort lasted a year until Pastor Thierfelder was sent elsewhere. However, the preaching station continued, and Pastor Niermeier served them on Sunday evenings.

The Harrisonville congregation, Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, kept the preaching station alive with their support, prayers, and encouragement. Through their missionary zeal and dedication, particularly of its members Gilbert and June Mckee, the cost of a full-time missionary was eventually supplied.

Pastor Arlyn Schmeling was called and arrived in 1989. Under the support of the Mckees and Our Savior Lutheran, groundbreaking ceremonies were conducted on May 1, 1990, with the dedication service of the church held on November 4th. Early in 1992 Pastor Schmeling accepted a call to serve in Mississippi. During the vacancy the small mission continued to hear the Word and hold services through the help of 5 WELS pastors from Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. Pastor Edwin Lehmann was called and installed as Zion\’s next pastor on June 14, 1992.

Throughout the years God never let us down, but supplied the worshippers at Zion with faithful servants who have preached the Gospel in its truth and purity and administered the Sacraments as the Lord instituted them. For this we rejoice and joyfully sing: “To God alone be the glory!”

“I will sing of the love of the Lord forever…I will make Your faithfulness known through all generations.” Psalm 89:1

How to Find Us

4717 Golden Ave
Springfield Mo
Phone No:

(417) 887-0886

Edwin Lehmann
Zion Lutheran Church