The Creator, Our Savior, Uncovered in His Love and Care
on January 15, 2022 in John 2:1-11
Second Sunday after the Epiphany January 16, 2022
Text: John 2:1-11 CW 3 Year Series C 22:2297
Theme: Our Creator, the Savior, Uncovered in His Love and Care.
Do you like to celebrate and have a party? – birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. The fun, the games, the delicious things to eat. But the best thing about celebrations is the people – the guests invited. Being with them makes the day special.
You might say that in His love and care God made it that way. He made you part of a family, so that you are not all by yourself. He provided companionship for us in life. At the very beginning of things He declared, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Gn.2). Then He created a companion for Adam. We are social beings, not solitary individuals.
The Lord Jesus was the same way. He had family and friends with whom He enjoyed fellowship. They were of all different kinds – wealthy, poor, educated, fishermen, important people, and plain folk like you and me. He liked to be with them, talk to them, point the way to His heavenly Father to them. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd and made time to be with them.
Did the people who surrounded Him realize who He was? Some experienced some extraordinary things about Him. But for the most part between day 1 and the day He turned 30 the full extent of Jesus’ person went unrealized
Then one day, not too long after His baptism, He went to a celebration. A wedding was held in Cana of Galilee. Many distinguished guests were invited. But the most illustrious and helpful guest there was the Lord Jesus. He was invited and came because He cares about people. He does not despise being with them. He came and His presence proved a great blessing.
His presence always makes a vast difference. If He were fully invited into every home, His presence would so bless the family that it would fill every need. If He were fully taken into every heart, His presence would so bless that life that there would never be any need for alarm. His loving and caring presence always proves a great blessing. Look what happened here.
(I. But He works in His time and in His ways.)
Cana was a very small place, just a dot on the map of Palestine. It lay to the north and west of Nazareth, about 10 miles. Have you ever noticed that many of the big events in the Bible happened in small places? Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem. He grew up in a small carpenter’s shop in Nazareth. He was baptized in a desert area near the Dead Sea. Big events often happened in small places. And this obscure town of Cana was about to become the sight of the most famous wedding celebration ever held.
In a sense it became the “coming out” time for our Savior. In this little town something big would happen. The Lord Jesus would be uncovered as the loving and caring Creator in His first miracle.
According to our way of thinking, we might expect that such an event would take place with a great deal of splash and publicity. He would change the world; He would affect people of all time; this would begin the march to eternity for us. The beginning of such an event ought to burst with excitement and expectation. It ought to shout, “God’s Son is here! The Savior has come!”
Do you think Mary saw it that way? When she gazed at the crowd, saw the impending problem with the wine, and looked upon her son, perhaps she thought, “What a good time to catch everyone’s attention!” At very least, she went to Him for the help that He always so readily gave. Approaching Him she presumed to tell Him the problem, “They have no wine.”
Was it a compassionate petition for help so that the young married couple could be spared the embarrassment of running out of supplies for their guests? Was it her desire to show off her son’s ability? Was it her thought that as Mother she should inform Him of that which needed to be done? Whatever motivated her to ask, Jesus’ response reveals that Mary did not take into account the time and the ways of God’s workings. “Woman,” He said, “what have I and you to do with each other? My hour has not come yet.”
Mary didn’t see His ways. She was rushing Jesus. She was His mother, but it was out of place for her to decide when God should act. Although there is no higher authority on earth than that of father and mother, still, this ends when God’s ways and work begin. In divine things neither father, mother, nor any person should interfere.
This was not the mother-child relationship of the carpenter shop in Nazareth anymore. Christ was on His divine mission, being anointed with the Holy Spirit and power at His baptism. The timing of Jesus’ first miracle and His subsequent ministry was not hers to call. That would be decided by higher Authority which works out everything with divine understanding and will. God’s ways are not haphazard. Nothing is incomplete or done at the wrong time.
The answer to our prayers, the lifting of a burden, the deliverance from a sorrow, or the granting of a desire, they are scheduled for fulfillment not according to the clocks and calendars on our kitchen walls, but according to the time set in our Father’s house above. He is with us and knows best when to go about things. For that reason, the Psalmists write, “My times are in your hands, O Lord.” And again, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him” (Ps.31:15f;37:7).
We need to think deeply what it means when we pray, “Thy will be done.” We have been conditioned by the world in which we live to be impatient with almost everything. We want fast food, instant communications, immediate service. But shall we rush God, our Creator and Savior?
If He came into this world when the time was right (Ga.4:4), He has timed everything perfectly for our benefit. Just as Christ died on the cross for our sin at just the right time, so He will carry everything out at the right time for our eternal good. For He is the Creator, Our Savior, who will reveal His love and care for us in His time. He never comes too late with too little, nor too soon with too much. He works in His time and in His ways to relieve the need and draw us to faith in Him.
(II. To draw us to faith in Him.)
Nearby stood 6 stone water jars used for the ceremonial washings of the Jews. Each of them held 20-30 gallons. The Lord Jesus ordered the servants to fill them to the brim, no room for anything more so that the genuineness of this miracle could not be missed. In went water; out came wine, the best tasting wine. Can you explain the method that produced such a change in which the tastelessness of water disappeared and was replaced by the full flavor of wine? It was not a mixing. It was a creation that produced a transformation with quantity and quality. How it happened cannot be explained. But God’s creative power was revealed in the result that was achieved. It marked Our Creator, A Savior, Uncovered in His Love and Care for His people in need.
Here is reason to be drawn to faith in Him. He can turn simple water into exquisite wine in an instant. Miraculous! But the most important thing that day was not to be found in the jars filled with wine. It was to be found in the winemaker Himself and in the greater news that God, our Creator had come to be our Savior. He came in His Love and Care to be one with us and to Uncover for the world the forgiveness and salvation found only in Him.
He who rescued a wedding in Cana from disaster and can help you in any situation in life, came to save a world from sin. Just as He changed water into wine, He has also changed us from God’s enemies in sin into His friends forgiven. He has changed us from people once dead in sin to those alive in Him. He has changed us from people without a purpose for living into a people equipped with the miraculous message of life for the purpose of declaring that Gospel to the world. Changed by Him through faith in Him. That’s the greater importance of His presence in our lives, which now begins to be Uncovered in its completeness for us.
God grant us the faith that draws us to see in Him our loving and caring Savior; for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Zion Lutheran Church of Springfield
4717 S Farm Rd 135 (Golden Avenue)
Church phone: 417.887.0886 Pastor’s cell phone: 417.693.3244 email address:
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The Second Sunday after Epiphany January 16, 2022
“This, the beginning of His miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” John 2:11
F o r O u r V i s i t o r s
We extend a warm and sincere welcome in our Savior’s name. Please sign our guest book, located to the right just outside the sanctuary. If you desire more information about Zion Lutheran Church or are in need of spiritual guidance, please call upon our pastor at any time. We are delighted to have you join us today and invite you to return soon.
U p o n E n t e r i n g G o d’ s H o u s e
“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend Your works to another. You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” (Psalm 145)
W h a t T h i s S u n d a y i s A b o u t
Uncovered, a Loving Creator and a Glorious Savior. We need God to appear to us and make Himself known to us. Not only is God beyond our understanding, but His works and His ways are contrary to mankind’s natural assumptions about Him. The truth about God cannot possibly be discovered by us. Rather it has to be uncovered for us.
That is what takes place in our lessons during the Epiphany Season. Truths about Jesus, the Christ, and our lives in His kingdom are uncovered. God reaches out and reveals in ever brightening circles the glory of His Son. Through Jesus’ miracles and preaching He shows us the grandeur of His person and works so that we might believe in Him and have hope. Life with Him is not a life with less, but infinitely more.
To that end we pray: Almighty God, You gave Your one and only Son to be the Light of the world. Grant that Your people, illumined by Your Word and sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that He may be known, worshiped, and believed to the ends of the earth. Amen.
– T h e W o r d o f G o d f o r T o d a y –
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 62:1-5
The Lord speaks to His Church for her comfort and joy. Although she appears less than stunning to the eyes of the worldly, God will not rest or be silent until the glory of His redeemed Church is uncovered and made known. He will lift her up as His bride and will rejoice over her.
The Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 3:14-21
Suffering may cause Christians to lose heart. St. Paul uncovers for his readers that in all things Christ’s love for the saints is unbounded and surpasses all knowledge. That is to His glory for He is able to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
The Gospel Lesson: John 2:1-11
Jesus begins His ministry working His first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Changing water into wine, He reveals Himself as the Creator who provides gifts of quality and quantity to meet His people’s needs. Thus, His divine glory was uncovered, and His disciples believed in Him.
O u r P r a c t i c e o f H o l y C o m m u n i o n
The Lord’s Supper is a wonderful gift in which we receive Jesus’ own body and blood to forgive our sins and strengthen us in faith. It is a gift given with certain responsibilities. The Sacrament is intended for those who have been instructed, understand, and confess as one what they are receiving and doing. Through it we express our unity of faith (1 Cor.10:17). Therefore, we ask that only confirmed members of Zion Lutheran Church or our sister congregations of the WELS or ELS approach to receive Communion. If you would like to become a communicant member of Zion or have any questions about our practice, the pastor would be happy to meet with you after the service.
The Organist: Jane Rips The Preacher: Pastor Edwin Lehmann
Point to Ponder: “Whenever the need is felt, the Lord does not at once hasten and bestow what is needed and desired. Often He delays and tests our faith and trust in Him. This you can see in the case of His mother. He puts her off for a time, yet she continues to touch upon His kindness, of which she is fully assured. This is the way of faith. It pictures God’s goodness in this manner, never doubting but that His goodness is really so and He will reach out in His time and way to help.”
— Martin Luther on “Changing the Water into Wine”
Outline of Our Worship
The Preparation
Opening Hymn: #91
Order of Worship: Service of Word and Sacrament Hymnal page 26
The Ministry of the Word
Isaiah 62:1-5
Ephesians 3:14-21
Hymn Response: #79 st.1-3
John 2:1-11
The Gospel Response: pg.30
Sermon Hymn: #714 Choir: st.1-2 Congr: st.3-4
Sermon: John 2:1-11
The Creator, Our Savior, Uncovered in His Love and Care.
Our Response to the Word
The Nicene Creed: page 31
The Offering & Prayers Hymnal page 32
Lord, Bless Us
Order of Holy Communion: Hymnal pages 33-35
(Visitors: Please read box inside about the practice of Holy Communion)
Distribution Hymn: #79 st.4-5
Thanksgiving & Blessing: Hymnal pages 36-37
Silent Prayer
The Second Sunday after the Epiphany – Series C
Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 62:1-5 – Zion’s Glory Will Be Seen
1For the sake of Zion I will not be silent. For the sake of Jerusalem I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth shining brightly, and her salvation burns like a torch.
2Nations will see your righteousness, and all kings will see your glory. You will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will assign to you.
3Then you will be a beautiful crown in the Lord’s hand, and a royal diadem in the palm of your God.
4You will never again be called Abandoned, and your land will never again be called Desolation,
for you will be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land will be called Married, because the Lord delights in you, and your land will be married.
5For just as a young man marries a virgin, your sons will marry you, and just as a bridegroom rejoices over a bride, your God will rejoice over you.
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 3:14-21 – Christ’s Love Surpasses Knowledge
14For this reason I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15from whom the entire family in heaven and on earth receives its name. 16I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he would strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner self, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, 18I pray that you would be able to comprehend, along with all the saints, how wide and long and high and deep his love is, 19and that you would be able to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.
20Now to him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, 21to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
Gospel Lesson: John 2:1-11 – Jesus’ First Miracle – Water into Wine
1Three days later, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there. 2Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.
3When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no wine.”
4Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does that have to do with you and me? My time has not come yet.”
5His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
6Six stone water jars, which the Jews used for ceremonial cleansing, were standing there, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. 8Then he said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” And they did.
9When the master of the banquet tasted the water that had now become wine, he did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew). The master of the banquet called the bridegroom 10and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when the guests have had plenty to drink, then the cheaper wine. You saved the good wine until now!”
11This, the beginning of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.
The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version® (EHV®) copyright © 2019 The Wartburg Project.
C a l e n d a r & A n n o u n c e m e n t s f o r Z i o n L u t h e r a n C h u r c h
Jan.16 |
Jan.17 |
Jan.18 |
Jan.19 |
Jan.20 |
Jan.21 |
Jan.22 |
Next Sun.
Jan.23 |
9:00 am
Divine Worship Service with Holy Communion online -Facebook 10:15 am Fellowship & Annual Meetings
Epiphany 2 |
11 am
Midweek Bible Study 4:30 pm Confirmation Class Choir
9:00 am
Divine Worship Service online – Facebook 10:15 am Fellowship & Bible Study
Epiphany 3 |
A Brief Bible Study on God’s Word for Today
“Grace” is a beautiful Bible word. We normally define grace as God’s undeserved love. Grace suggests the idea of giving a gift without a sense of obligation. If a gift is given out of obligation, it is no longer a gift. Jesus loves us not because He is obligated. He didn’t die for us out of a sense of guilt. He didn’t owe us. Everything Jesus does for us, He does for one reason only: He is gracious. He does it in love because He wants to – freely! Yes, Jesus is our gracious Savior.
The Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 62:1-5 (answers are found on the back side)
- Who is speaking in these verses through the prophet Isaiah?
- For whose sake would Jesus do what He did as our Savior?
- What is the result of Jesus’ gracious work for His people?
Those We Remember In Our Prayers: Greg Miller; Lou Schulz; Jodi Milam; William & Laurie Moon; Pauline Jaeger; Dave Ballou; Lois Wiese; Barbara Long; John Workentine; Brandon Schulz; Paul & Patsy Michelson; Gary Sellin; Kevin & Tom Jaster (Laurie Moon’s brother & nephew), Harry Jones (Jodi Milam’s brother-in-law), Richard Tag, and Don & Bobbie Day, all with Covid; Khendra Murdoch, husband Jason, and new-born Vincent.
New Hymnals Zion’s copies of Christian Worship – 21 and its accompanying volumes arrived 2 weeks ago. This morning you have a chance to look at them. Copies are at the end of each pew. We will use the new hymnal for the hymn right before the sermon. The choir will lead introduce the hymn by singing stanzas 1-2. We invite you to join in singing stanzas 3-4.
2022 Offering Envelopes & 2021 Statements are in your mailboxes or fellowship hall where you may pick up your new set for the year ahead.
No Face Mask Regulations Facemasks are not required in a church setting in Springfield. If you feel more comfortable wearing a face mask, you may certainly do so. Masks and sanitizer are in the narthex and the fellowship hall for your use.
Upcoming Events
Monday-Tuesday, February 7-8 – Southern Conference Pastors’ Conference at Zion LC, Springfield
This Year the Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday, March 2; Easter Sunday is April 17
The Week in Review
Last Sunday Worship: 18; Bible Class: 11; Midweek Bible Class: 6; Sunday Offering: $1,606.
Next Sunday’s Lessons: Uncovered. Rejection Is Not the Exception but the Rule.
Epiphany 3 – Isaiah 61:1-6; Acts 4:23-31; Luke 4:16-30 (CW-21, 3-Year Series C)
Answers to Today’s Old Testament Lesson Brief Study:
- The pre-incarnate Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, is the speaker.
- Jesus says that He would speak “for Zion’s sake” and “for Jerusalem’s sake” (In the Old Testament “Zion” and “Jerusalem” often represent the people of God, the Church. That is the case in these verses). In other words, Jesus serves as our advocate; He speaks on our behalf before His heavenly Father (1 Jn 2:1; Ro 8:34).
- No longer are we estranged from our heavenly Father because of our sin. Instead the Lord delights in us (Hephzibah) and we are “married” (Beulah) to Him. All this is a result of Jesus’ work as our gracious Savior.
This week I am praying for……